
Our Expertise & Unique Perspective

Explore our unique perspectives and learn how we drive results. We share an array of recent thought leadership articles, infographics and reports on current developments trends within the Financial Services industry.



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Managing a Strategic Change Program for a European Bank


Q & A -Adoption of digital wallets and mobile payments

Consumers in the US and Europe are catching up with those in fast-growing economies in Asia and Latin America where mobile wallets have already become the dominant payment platform.

Marketplace Banking – The Solution Bank Customers have been waiting for?

In the marketplace, the customer is in control. The skills required to adapt are not those that banks have historically attracted or developed.

Webinar Summary – Reaping Value from Analytics in Financial Services Business Areas

Live webinar recording looked at the current state of analytics at mainstream US banks deployment models that generate the greatest potential benefit for each business function.

Data Analytics in Financial Services: How do you Progress from BI to AI?

The Future of Merchant Payments in the Integrated Digital Age

Webinar discussed insights to integrated payments, ISVs and how they are impacting merchant acquiring.

The Brexit Impact Assessment: Why your Customer’s Business is your Business

Last month, on the 6th of December 2017, David Davis (Secretary of State for exiting the European Union) was hauled in front of a parliamentary committee.

Digitally Challenging Banking’s Core Operations

Banking is being disrupted by innovation through digital technology, new regulation and increased competition. How can they can they continue to be relevant?

Replace or Complement? The difficult Tessitura of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is here to stay. Its applications in different financial sectors never cease to grow and in the future will revolutionize the way of doing business.

Navigating a Path For Growth in Uncertain Times

Globalization has been a theme for business growth for many years. Newly launched business can disrupt and gain market share fast, gaining reach and global scale quicker than ever before.

Banks Learn to Innovate … or Die

As lifestyles and expectations of consumers continue to change, often powered by smartphones and other technologies ever-present in their lives, banks risk weakening their leadership in the highest-valued end of their treasured customer relationships

Advantage in Regulatory Reporting in Financial Services

The need for financial services firms to provide greater transparency through regulatory reporting increases. It is essential that firms move from complex operations and legacy architecture to a more rationalized approach.

Anti-Money Laundering is still a major opportunity for RegTech Providers

Recently, the Fourth EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive No. 2015/849 (AMLD 4) was implemented in June 2017 to set clearer compliance guidelines and requirements for banks and wider professional groups (e.g. accountants and lawyers).

Opportunities in Data Analytics Across Financial Services

As companies infuse more technology innovation into the financial services ecosystem, data analytics has made leaps in accuracy and sophistication — creating new realms of untapped opportu

Is your RegTech solution more “Tech” than “Reg”?

If you are developing a solution as a FinTech or considering a new capability as a bank, have you considered the question ‘Is this solution more “Tech” than “Reg” or has it achieved the right balance of both ?’

Balancing Financial Services Innovation in a Customer-Centric World

Consumers’ growing addiction to digital devices provides additional channels for financial services companies to optimize and extend their reach, but it also opens the floodgates for a wider variety of cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Going Digital in the Blink of an Eye

At our recent event in Boston, we offered a current view of Digital approaches that are transforming financial services, and the Big Data capability that makes it possible.

Watch the Payments Sector for a sneak preview of tomorrow’s Digital Financial Services

The area of financial services focused on payments is already highly digital, spurred by recent entrants that have from their start been created in the digital world.

Understand Payments to Peek Now at your Digital Future

At the recent Axis Corporate event, expert panelists from Axis Corporate, Computop and Zipmark offered a current view of the payment landscape and the mainly digital processes used by its service providers.

Identifying the real Potential of Big Data Technology

To be successful in identifying Big Data technology, organizations need to remember the two drivers: the amount of transactional data that an organization has and the skills and capabilities in analytics.

Financial Services at the Speed of Digital?

Financial services companies are facing significant challenges while disruptive new entrants who are unencumbered by legacy business processes, coupled with rising expectations of networked consumers, accelerate the need to embrace Digital.

Media Appearances

SIFMA -Balancing Financial Services Innovation in a Customer-Centric World

Consumers’ growing addiction to digital devices provides additional channels for financial services companies to optimize and extend their reach, but it also opens the floodgates for a wider variety of cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Media Appearance – Opportunities in Data Analytics across Financial Services.

Ted Bissell talks to Global Banking & Finance Review about the opportunities in data analytics across financial services.

Finextra – Disruption in SME Banking

Daniel Meere, Managing Director UK shares his insights with Finextra on Williams & Glyn Capability, Innovation funding and Open Banking in the UK. – Three ways the banking industry can stay relevant in the age of disruption

Daniel Meere's recent article on discusses how digital innovation is forcing banks to rethink their banking model.

Best asks Ted Bissell about Cryptocurrency in Payment Processing

Ted Bissell shares his insights on Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology in payment processing with

Finextra – The role of Collateral Management Solutions in relation to T2S

Finextra interviews Pablo Beivide Cavia on the T2S project and how successful it has been in the 10 years since it started, what impact T2S has had on CSDs and how this will affect post trade securities in the future.

PaymentsSource – Banks are missing the boat on ‘Social Payments’

PaymentsSource recently published an article that discusses how Social and Payments are overlapping. – How Robo-Advisory can be applied to the World of Investment Advice

The market for investment advice is changing rapidly, with robo-advice touted as one of the most disruptive forces to impact the industry. Daniel Meere reflects on how robo-advisory can be applied to the complex world of investment services.

Past Event

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