Upcoming Webinar – The Future of Merchant Payments in Integrated Digital Age
Past Event

Upcoming Webinar – The Future of Merchant Payments in Integrated Digital Age

The live webinar will provide insights on how trends are impacting SMB banking, and ideas of what steps are needed to remain relevant to clients in payment services.



Banks’ merchant clients, like companies in the rest of the economy, have become highly dependent on cloud technology services. Independent Sales Organizations (ISOs) and Integrated Software Vendors (ISVs) have seen strong growth in their payments volumes handled through their integrated channels at the expense of traditional payment terminals.


Amidst the complex client activity, many banks’ merchant-services operations are left resource-constrained after establishing third-party merchant acquisition partnerships. To earn the right to continue a compelling, full-service proposition to the critical small- and medium-business (SMB) segment, the Bank’s merchant payments operation must evolve to become an integrated payments player.

The webinar’s speakers will explore the key themes currently transforming merchant payments scene:

  • How merchants are changing their payments approach when opening or expanding their businesses
  • The roles of ISO/ISV players and their impact on acquisition, boarding and sales/payment channels
  • Choices that banks’ SMB units can make to maintain the lead in the client relationship


Participants can expect to take away insights about how these trends are impacting SMB banking, and ideas of what steps are needed to remain relevant to clients in payment services.


Date: February 27, 2018

Time: 5:00 – 6:00 pm

Register for the Webinar


Panelists & Speakers:

Jay Bhattacharya, CEO & CoFounder at Zipmark

Jay is CEO & Co-Founder of Zipmark, a ready to deploy payment platform that enables banks and merchant processors to securely serve the increasingly complex needs of merchants and payment facilitators. Prior to Zipmark, he spent 9 years at Citigroup managing growth ventures and innovation and launching Citi’s mobile banking joint venture with SK Telecom that provided mobile banking for the first time in 25 countries.


Ted Bissell, Global Director of Digital Consulting at Axis Corporate

Ted brings decades of experience launching innovative digital services in the converging sectors of financial services, telecom and media. He has advised large and small companies on their strategy and business expansion that capitalize on breakthroughs in digital, where fast adoption allows consumers to call the shots and can cement their loyalty.


Dominic Gammarati, US Managing Director at Axis Corporate

Dominic provides the leadership and growth for Axis Corporate’s US entity and supports its global business. He is a member of firm’s Group Executive Committee and reports to the Board. Dominic leverages his international experience of providing innovative and impacting business solutions to global Financial Services clients.

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